
Dr. K K Mishra is a veteran healthcare professional from Faridabad with profound knowledge and wide experience in the field of Cardio-diabetes. Dr. Mishra has devoted over four decades to his career whose seeds were sown way back in 1975.

With a strong educational background in MBBS and MD (Medicine), Dr. Mishra has treated a wide array of patients with simple to complex medical conditions, in his extensive career. His remarkable clinical skills have bagged him the ‘Best Doctor’ Award on two occasions which is a commendable feat.

Dr. Mishra is presently available all days of the week at Dr. Mishra’s Clinic (Old Faridabad) where all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can be availed under one roof.

  • Recipient of Best Doctor Award presented by IMA.


  • Recipient of Best Doctor Award presented by Globus.


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